Now There’s a Job I Don’t Want…First In A Series

Yesterday on my way to Express Personnel, I noticed a panhandler on the corner.  That’s not too unusual as it starts to warm up here in Bend, and my usual reaction is a quiet thought “there but for the grace of God go I.”

Then I looked to the left and saw somebody in a blue see-through plastic rain cape (yes he was fully dressed otherwise ROFL) prancing around on the other corner.

“Wow, that’s unusual for a panhandler” was my first reaction but then he turned around, and I saw he was holding a fake guitar that was advertising Little Caesars pizza.

I am so happy that I don’t have to prance around like a man on an fuzzy tree (thanks to Elvis Presley for that line) on a busy street corner in the rain in a blue see-through plastic rain cape (otherwise dressed or not) with a fake guitar, advertising a pizza chain.

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