In today’s market we have to ‘get out there’. I too often see people who I call secret agents sitting and playing the waiting game and these are the ones complaining saying the economy has ruined their business. B.S. I say. Get off your arse and get out of your comfort zone.
And I say maybe reading the post you are leaving a comment on might be helpful.
Oh I forgot, reading is just too much work isn’t it.
What pray tell did that comment have to do with “Dish Network, The Cop, and MOI?”
Not a darn thing, just another spammer trying to get linked back even though the comment is irrelevant at best. And what does her blog, travel deals in Paris, have to do with dish network?
I’d say SHE is the one spouting BS and I’d advise her to stay away from MY blog unless she wants to make relevant comments. RANT OVER…….for now (insert evil grin)