Relevant to WHO??

Good post, but it seems no longer relevant The post in question is this one: It was relevant at the time it was posted which was April 12, 2010–almost a year ago. It was relevant to ME…..and that is what is important. Do I care if some commenter (hereinafter to be referred to as… Continue reading Relevant to WHO??

If Your Comment is NOT Relevant…….

Hey, I’m havin a tough time attempting to rank well for the keyword “kokomo dentist”… PLEASE approve my comment!! My blog is not a vehicle for people to use to rank up their keywords. I approve comments based on their relevance to the post being commented on. The comment quoted above was left on my… Continue reading If Your Comment is NOT Relevant…….

MeThinks I Ain’t The One Spouting BS!!

In today’s market we have to ‘get out there’. I too often see people who I call secret agents sitting and playing the waiting game and these are the ones complaining saying the economy has ruined their business. B.S. I say. Get off your arse and get out of your comfort zone. And I say… Continue reading MeThinks I Ain’t The One Spouting BS!!

Use THIS!!

Man oh man I am sick of irrelevant comments from people who want a backlink that’s also irrelevant. I live in Oregon (this is mentioned all over this blog too, but I guess I can’t expect spammers to read, now can I?) The latest offender is promoting short sales in San Diego (California), how would… Continue reading Use THIS!!