Somebody Needs To Blow the Spam Bots to Kingdom Come……Any Volunteers?

Can I make a suggestion? I think youve got something good here. But what if you added a couple links to a page that backs up what youre saying? Or maybe you could give us something to look at, something that would connect what youre saying to something tangible? Just a suggestion. Here’s “just a… Continue reading Somebody Needs To Blow the Spam Bots to Kingdom Come……Any Volunteers?

Opinions, Opinions, Opinions

An opinion is a thought or a belief. An opinion is not a statement of fact. An opinion is not required to be objective or factual. An opinion does not have to be reasonable to other people. For example, I don’t believe in the existence of unidentified flying objects (UFOs), yet millions of other people… Continue reading Opinions, Opinions, Opinions

Bend Broadband Just Refuses to Understand……..

Here’s the deal. I will continue to post my experiences–good or bad–with ANY company without feeling compelled to be accurate for ALL experiences for ALL customers of said companies. This is MY personal blog. This blog is not sponsored by any corporation, individual, organization, or other entity and therefore NOBODY has the right to tell… Continue reading Bend Broadband Just Refuses to Understand……..