Plagiarism, Amy, the fake Emily….Does This Ever END????

Well now we have another intelligence challenged thief stealing the real Emily’s comment and trying to pass it off as her own. For all I know this Amy person promoting is just the fake Emily pretending to be somebody else promoting another site. Either way, the comment is getting spammed as it is plagiarism.… Continue reading Plagiarism, Amy, the fake Emily….Does This Ever END????

If You Can’t Write Your Own Comment, Don’t Bloody Bother!!

This goes along with the cheeky bugger who stole one of my posts and posted at his blog while expecting a pingback. Now I’ve got some intelligence-challenged thief (and that’s an insult to other intelligence-challenged thieves) copying a prior comment made by someone else word for word and leaving it as their own comment. Funny… Continue reading If You Can’t Write Your Own Comment, Don’t Bloody Bother!!