And Now Just to Add To The Stress Level…….

My mother wants me to come visit her.  And yes this woman knows that I have NO money, NO job, etc.  She offered to pay for ‘some gas’ if I came up there (up there is La Grande, Oregon, 350 miles away one way)

Well here’s a few newsflashes for my  mother (even though she already knows much of this, she doesn’t care because the world revolves around HER and her alone)

1) I have $134.00 in my checking account, that is all the money I have in this world

2) my unemployment check for this week has been delayed due to a problem and the employment offices through out the state of Oregon are closed tomorrow.

3) my last unemployment extension expires next week. The total left on that extension is $146.00, one full check of $104.00 and one partial check of $42.00

3) There is about $34.00 left on my EBT (food stamp) card for April and there are 15 days left in the month.  This is the only welfare program I am eligible for because I am only 50 years old, I am not disabled, and I do not have any children under the age of 18.

4) A friend paid January, February, and March space rent for me. I am 5 days late with April space rent.

5) Exactly who will take care of my cats if I go visit ms needy of 2010? Nobody has needs other than my mother

6) I have applied for 15 jobs in the last 2 weeks and gotten one interview.

I’d be a lot more understanding of my mothers needs and willing to go visit her except for the fact that this woman is verbally and mentally abusive even from 350 miles away.

The last time I visited her was in September 2007 and that visit ended within 15 minutes after I arrived solely because of her anger and verbal abuse.

Last Christmas time (2009) she expected me to ship my Christmas ornaments to her even though I couldn’t afford the postage.

When I started this blog, she very rudely said to me “Who is interested in what you have to say?” and when I tried to explain blogging to her she interrupted me.  It’s obvious she is the one who is NOT interested in anything I have to say other than “yes, Mother” “no, Mother” and “please do kick me in the teeth again, Mother.’

She harassed me for months about her 80th birthday present and then didn’t even say thank you for it until 2 weeks after her birthday.

Am I going to go visit this woman? I DON’T THINK SO!!

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