Mama Drama

Thanks to my friend MJR for the cool title for this rant! My mother is driving me absolutely out of my mind. First, 2 hours before my colonoscopy on May 18 2011 she calls me all bent out of shape because she can’t find phone numbers or addresses for two of our cousins (her first… Continue reading Mama Drama

Assumptions, My Mother, My Friend, and Me

My (partial) email to my friend: My mothers last less than brilliant idea is that she move down here and live with me. While this would solve financial problems, it would create a whole new set of probably worse problems. And I ended up telling her–after she made some insulting comments–that I’d rather live on… Continue reading Assumptions, My Mother, My Friend, and Me

Do You Have Any DECENT Furniture?

Well my mother was just on a roll last night. First off, I have to call her every Wednesday and Sunday–last night was Sunday night. So I try 3 times to call her and got a busy signal each time. I have to admit this made me mad since we have this standing ‘date’ and… Continue reading Do You Have Any DECENT Furniture?

Mother Revisited…Or MY Privacy Just Isn’t Important

I discovered tonight that my mother in her delusional rampage on Thursday night actually gave out my cell phone number to a friend and presumably to the Bend Police Department too. Did she have my prior permission to do so? Of course not. A little thing like MY privacy isn’t important to her, but if… Continue reading Mother Revisited…Or MY Privacy Just Isn’t Important

Different Day, Same Old Male Bovine Fecal Material

So I was looking for some support or at least some kind words particularly in relation to the crap my mother is shoveling in my direction. At one forum, where everybody else gets kind words, prayers, and patted on the back when they are having bad days I get ……..ignored. And this is a forum… Continue reading Different Day, Same Old Male Bovine Fecal Material

And Now Just to Add To The Stress Level…….

My mother wants me to come visit her.  And yes this woman knows that I have NO money, NO job, etc.  She offered to pay for ‘some gas’ if I came up there (up there is La Grande, Oregon, 350 miles away one way) Well here’s a few newsflashes for my  mother (even though she… Continue reading And Now Just to Add To The Stress Level…….