For the last 10 months (since August 2011) I have rented a bathroom and bedroom in my house to another person. For the most part this experience has not been a good one. He smokes, he drinks, he lies, he lost his job over 6 weeks ago (and hasn’t applied for unemployment OR any jobs),… Continue reading Life in the Soon to be Ex-Landlady Lane
Tag: unemployment
I will preface this by saying I am a moderate Democrat. I have received aid from Pell Grants, the food stamp program, and unemployment benefits. Both of my parents benefited from Medicare and Social Security, as did both sets of grandparents. My father enlisted in the US Navy (served in WWII and Korea), and his… Continue reading Politics……
I Hadn’t Noticed That Anyone Else Was Paying For the Hosting and Domain……..
Not many people would say this. Youve got some guts. I will say this, though. If you dont want to alienate any readers, youre gonna have to stop generalising so much. Maybe you should try seeing both sides of this issue instead of assuming that yours is the only valid opinion. Id still read it,… Continue reading I Hadn’t Noticed That Anyone Else Was Paying For the Hosting and Domain……..
No New Claim But At Least I Get The Last Two Checks
So after I pried myself out of bed at 11:30 am (I went to bed at 5:00 am) I called the employment office. My gut feeling that there would be no new claim due to lack of income (1300.00 earned in all of last year) was correct. At least this week I will get the… Continue reading No New Claim But At Least I Get The Last Two Checks
Context…..Colors Everything
Now, I don’t deny that I’ve been disgruntled with Bend Broadband long before this most recent round of postings and comments. Normally, however, I keep my grumbling about them to myself or I grumble to online friends in Canada, The Netherlands, and other parts of the USA. The night that I received my latest Bend… Continue reading Context…..Colors Everything
And Now Just to Add To The Stress Level…….
My mother wants me to come visit her. And yes this woman knows that I have NO money, NO job, etc. She offered to pay for ‘some gas’ if I came up there (up there is La Grande, Oregon, 350 miles away one way) Well here’s a few newsflashes for my mother (even though she… Continue reading And Now Just to Add To The Stress Level…….
Unemployment Blues
I go to check my bank account (which mind you has been looking pretty sad for a long time anyway) and I notice that my next to last unemployment check (which should have been direct deposited last night) isn’t there. My first thought is oh shit the cap on the Oregon Emergency Benefits extension was… Continue reading Unemployment Blues
Being unemployed …….. or a 500 mile commute???? What I found saddest about this was the comment by the wife about ‘no sympathy’ “They say at least he’s working.” Well I’m not working. I haven’t had a steady job since October 2005, when I was fired by a boss who had disliked me from the minute SHE was hired (two weeks after… Continue reading Being unemployed …….. or a 500 mile commute????