The sun is shining, I’m just finishing up breakfast at McDonald’s, using their Wi-Fi with my new laptop (I saved up nearly $300.00 in Amazon gift cards and a couple of my friends kicked in enough to push the laptop fund over the top). I bought a wireless Logitech mouse today because I hate the… Continue reading I’m So Happy I Can’t Stand It!!
Tag: roommate
Desperately in Need of Financial Help
Things have totally fallen apart since my last post….and now I need $104.00 for the electric bill (by September 10, 2013), I am losing my computer today or tomorrow (it is going back to Aaron’s (Lease to Own) unless I can pull some rabbit out of some hat and come up with $135.00 to make… Continue reading Desperately in Need of Financial Help
Life in the Soon to be Ex-Landlady Lane
For the last 10 months (since August 2011) I have rented a bathroom and bedroom in my house to another person. For the most part this experience has not been a good one. He smokes, he drinks, he lies, he lost his job over 6 weeks ago (and hasn’t applied for unemployment OR any jobs),… Continue reading Life in the Soon to be Ex-Landlady Lane
Grumble Growl Bitch Whine and Moan (LOL)
Description: Yes, I am grumbling, growling, bitching, whining, and moaning tonight. You ask why? I am seriously frustrated with my roommate (lets just call him Andrew like I did in this post: Today’s installment of frustration came when I discovered that I was storing cookie sheets in the oven. As the oven is rarely… Continue reading Grumble Growl Bitch Whine and Moan (LOL)
Adventures in Roommate Land
Well, it appears that my new roommate (lets call him Andrew–not his real name) is passive-aggressive and a liar. Can I pick em or what? And this man had excellent references! Adventures in Lawn Care Clear back in July when he came to look at the house, it was mentioned that the *park manager* wanted… Continue reading Adventures in Roommate Land