The last week or so I’ve been spending a lot of time getting my kitchen organized in preparation for eating at home (eating out of the pantry, freezer, and refrigerator) for at least the month of February if not longer. This has involved cleaning out 14 shelves and one long narrow cupboard (pantry) and defrosting… Continue reading Life in the Getting Organized Lane
Tag: freezer
Grumble Growl Bitch Whine and Moan (LOL)
Description: Yes, I am grumbling, growling, bitching, whining, and moaning tonight. You ask why? I am seriously frustrated with my roommate (lets just call him Andrew like I did in this post: Today’s installment of frustration came when I discovered that I was storing cookie sheets in the oven. As the oven is rarely… Continue reading Grumble Growl Bitch Whine and Moan (LOL)