It never rains but it pours is a saying here in the USA. First one of my online jobs has been on hold since May 17, 2013. Second, my roommate gave 30 days notice on June 9, 2013 which coincidentally was also the same day my last online job went on hold–with no warning at… Continue reading A Request For Help
Tag: Bend Broadband
Hmmm I Guess Bend Broadband Moved to THE NETHERLANDS!!
How could you be so sure about what you’re saying, i know for a fact that you’re wrong especially in the first section of your post, try Google and you see where you at fault. How does some intelligence challenged and very rude person from THE NETHERLANDS know anything at all about a internet service… Continue reading Hmmm I Guess Bend Broadband Moved to THE NETHERLANDS!!
I Hadn’t Noticed That Anyone Else Was Paying For the Hosting and Domain……..
Not many people would say this. Youve got some guts. I will say this, though. If you dont want to alienate any readers, youre gonna have to stop generalising so much. Maybe you should try seeing both sides of this issue instead of assuming that yours is the only valid opinion. Id still read it,… Continue reading I Hadn’t Noticed That Anyone Else Was Paying For the Hosting and Domain……..
Caring About Criticism…..
I’ve been musing lately on why only one organization felt the need to respond here at this very blog to IMO valid criticisms. I mean, really, I’ve trashed several organizations–both local and national– since October 2009 when I first started posting and only John Farwell at Bend Broadband felt compelled to not only respond but… Continue reading Caring About Criticism…..
Bend Broadband Just Refuses to Understand……..
Here’s the deal. I will continue to post my experiences–good or bad–with ANY company without feeling compelled to be accurate for ALL experiences for ALL customers of said companies. This is MY personal blog. This blog is not sponsored by any corporation, individual, organization, or other entity and therefore NOBODY has the right to tell… Continue reading Bend Broadband Just Refuses to Understand……..
Bend Broadband Doesn’t READ Either…..
Referring to a disgruntled FEMALE customer as HE is not the way to make points with the disgruntled female customer. While I’ve not made a big deal of my gender in prior posts here’s a word to the wise: a male wouldn’t post a topic called “Safeway and the Single Girl” nor would they describe… Continue reading Bend Broadband Doesn’t READ Either…..
Bend Broadband SUCKS!
I cannot begin to count the ways in which I think my local cable/internet/telephone provider sucks. Their customer service people, particularly in the billing department, are rude and incompetent. They are in my honest opinion also as useless as tits on a boar. Their prices are literally outrageous, but I guess when you have no… Continue reading Bend Broadband SUCKS!