Sincere Thanks to the State of Oregon…….

……for hiring people who cannot read their own forms and will not listen to their own clients. I went to the self-sufficiency office today to turn in my re-certifications for food benefits and health insurance benefits. The form in question clearly stated that if you answered YES to part of question one (did you still… Continue reading Sincere Thanks to the State of Oregon…….

Ebay Was Pretty Much A Bust

I spent more in postage on shipping two of the items than I was paid for them. The United States Postal Service sucks ROFL. Out of over 45 listings, 4 items sold. I earned a whopping total of $176.75 out of which I paid $19.00+ in postage plus listing fees and final value fees (ebay)… Continue reading Ebay Was Pretty Much A Bust

Same Old Stupid, Different Day

Hmmm thanks for this not interesting post. But I still don’t get the last part though! Hmmm thanks for this very interesting post. But I still don’t understand the second part though What I don’t understand is: Same person — commenting on the same post, promoting the same url. This morning the post is not… Continue reading Same Old Stupid, Different Day

Ebay Auctions and Pictures So go look and bid and buy. All proceeds go towards making me independently wealthy (or at least making me able to replace the dryer that died last week!)