Bend Broadband Just Refuses to Understand……..

Here’s the deal.

I will continue to post my experiences–good or bad–with ANY company without feeling compelled to be accurate for ALL experiences for ALL customers of said companies.

This is MY personal blog.

This blog is not sponsored by any corporation, individual, organization, or other entity and therefore NOBODY has the right to tell me what to post.

These posts are my opinions and my experiences–nothing more and nothing less.

Opinions are by definition subjective and do not have to be accurate no matter how much the company or person being blogged about would prefer that they were.

I do find it more than a little odd that *Safeway, *the Bend Bulletin, *Aflac, Pantene, Garnier Fructis, *Saint Vincent De Paul, *FreeCycle, *Del Taco, *Taco Time, *Burger King, Dish Network, *Sears Roebuck & Co, * Perfect Look, Paul Mitchell, Wells Fargo Investments, Heinz Brands (Ore-Ida), *Kinkos, *LazerQuick, Joan Didion, Sara Davidson, the estate of Julia Phillips,  the estate of Erma Bombeck, Ted Kerasote, Les Stroud, Paula Deen, *the Bend, Oregon Police Department, the Oregon Employment Department, *the High Desert Museum, *The Pine Tavern, *St Charles Medical Center, *Goodwill,  and/or Emigrant Direct haven’t felt compelled to come rushing to my blog to dispute my postings or even to say thanks for the publicity.

After all, most of the postings about the *local companies* have been very specific about locations (in some cases even down to the street address) and situations.

Even the postings about the national companies have been very specific as to my experiences and my opinions/feelings about them

They’ve also been ‘bad’ publicity for many of these companies and/or negative comparisons to other companies.

Somehow those other companies don’t feel compelled to respond to one woman’s honest comments–which again are nothing but her OPINIONS– about her experiences.

I wonder why out of all the companies/people/organizations I’ve mentioned in the last 8 months Bend Broadband is the only one that feels compelled to  respond not just once but twice and in addition feels compelled to trash me and my OPINIONS in the process.

Bend Broadband is being so defensive and so compelled to repeatedly tell me how wrong I am about everything. I wonder why?

What I’m finding totally hilarious though is that my Google Ad Sense ads (contextual) are advertising other broadband services.

I have no control over what Google Ad Sense shows on my blog (other than no adult content) and I was not/am not recommending any other internet service.

I am NOT a paid spokesperson for any company, I’m not an employee of any company (YET) either,  and whatever ads Google Ad Sense shows on my blog are served by Google Ad Sense.

I’ll bet if someone was reading the post about Sears, Google Ad Sense would be showing ads for Walmart, Macy’s, Fred Meyers, etc.

And if someone was reading the posts about Safeway, the ads shown would be for Albertson’s, Rays Food Market, or Thriftway.

It’s all about the context of the post, and the tags I chose for each post, although I do have to admit I laughed out loud to see Verizon, Comcast, and Qwest being advertised right next to my comments about Bend Broadband.

Having said all this, this is my last response to Bend Broadband on this issue, although I do reserve my rights to criticize them in the future if necessary.

Any further comments from anyone at Bend Broadband regarding this specific topic will be trashed, as I do not have to give any business free advertising–particularly one that seems determined to tell me how wrong I am over and over and over again.

Am I any more impressed with Bend Broadband after this experience than I was before? I DON’T THINK SO!!

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