Somebody Needs To Blow the Spam Bots to Kingdom Come……Any Volunteers?

Can I make a suggestion? I think youve got something good here. But what if you added a couple links to a page that backs up what youre saying? Or maybe you could give us something to look at, something that would connect what youre saying to something tangible? Just a suggestion. Here’s “just a… Continue reading Somebody Needs To Blow the Spam Bots to Kingdom Come……Any Volunteers?

Job Nab and Career Network… REALLY DO NOT BOTHER!!

“Dear Suellen, I saw the resume you recently posted online and noticed that you’re looking for something in Administrative Support. I work with several companies in your area that are trying to fill Administrative Support positions and would like to get your resume in front of them. To get started, go to and fill… Continue reading Job Nab and Career Network… REALLY DO NOT BOTHER!!

Resume Doctor…..Don’t Bother.

“How is your job search going? Recently, you signed up to – as part of your membership, we would like to offer you a complimentary evaluation of the MS Word resume that you uploaded. If you’re interested, please click here and we would be happy to take a look at it:” So I clicked… Continue reading Resume Doctor…..Don’t Bother.